Thursday, June 17, 2010

MY hair?...?

Okay so uhhhmm yea. im getting hair cut soon and my hair is a little longer then my shoulders and its layered but idk what to do with it? get it cut? trim? my bangs come down to the bottom of my chin but its not like in my face, off to the side of course, what is HOTTT hairstyles right now for medium///short hair? (GIRLS)

MY hair?...?

The victoria beckham style is hot. If my hair wasnt so wavy, I'd do my hair like that!

MY hair?...?

A bob like Rhianna's or a page boy like Katy Moss. Layers are also in. It depends on the shape of your face, you want a style that's going to compliment it.

MY hair?...?


MY hair?...?



tapered layers are in

you could trim it and cut your bangs.

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