Sunday, June 20, 2010

Hair and skin remedies?

i like these little at home remedies, like milk and brown sugar for my face....ect. does anybody have anything for hair or skin. things that would be in a normal home. nothing with like coconut milk or lavender oil, things that normal ppl dont keep around the house. i have medium wavy hair looking to grow it out and maintain the friz and keep it shiny.


Hair and skin remedies?

Alright, I know it sounds really gross, but the best thing for my hair is.... mayonnaise. Its super gross, and hold your breath when you put it in your hair, but 4 of my friends commented on my hair the day I washed it. In the shower, just put some on your hands, and use it like shampoo. Afterwards, unless you like smelly hair, wash it with your regular shampoo/conditioner.

Other suggestions I have heard (but not tested) are:

Honey on your face

Oil (just normal like vegtable or olive) left in hair all night

Toothpaste on nails (to whiten)

Mint teabags on eyes (for puffy dark eyes)

Good Luck, and also try searching the web for beauty tips. Some magazines (like seventeen, or other girly ones) will have good websites.

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