Sunday, June 20, 2010

How can i stop my hair from poofing ( im a guy)?

Im a guy with medium length hair and whenever it gets wet it just gets all frizzy and poofy and looks really bad. I gel my hair but even with gel the sides still have a bunch of frizzy hairs popping out no matter how much i use. I notice when I look at other guys with geled hair this dosent happen, so what can i do to get rid of the poor?

How can i stop my hair from poofing ( im a guy)?

Perhaps you should switch gels. Though sometimes gel can still make your hair frizz.

I'd recommend getting a hair frizz serum to calm it down. Perhaps taking better care of it? I noticed that when I started using certain shampoos and conditioners my frizz calmed down a bit. Also not shampooing your hair everyday. Shampooing it everyday constantly takes out the natural oils in your hair that make it not as frizzy and soft. Just use good conditioner everyday.

How can i stop my hair from poofing ( im a guy)?

Most people's hair goes poof when it gets wet.

You do have options though. I highly recommend this hair serum it's an smooths away frizzies (I know you're a man...but it's good stuff).

I know it sounds girly, but buy some shampoo and conditioner that has 'anti-frizz' (the fructis line is good, herbal essences also has one called, "none of your frizziness" Both good and cheap).

If your hair is NOT curly, comb it, gel it, then comb it again.

If your hair is curly, avoid combing it. Let it dry naturally...I don't understand how the gel doesn't work. That's what most guys use - that Dippidy Doo Gel.

It sounds like your hair is really dried out, so use conditioner. Instead of shampooing your hair daily, shampoo every other day, and condition daily. If your hair is really healthy, it shouldn't poof.

The other option is going to a salon and getting a hair cut - trim away all the damaged hair.

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