Friday, November 27, 2009

Best hair coloring kit?

I have light/medium brown hair and I'm going to dye my hair a deep chocolate brown or something similar. So, from your personal experience, what hair coloring brand works the best, with shine, dimension, etc?

Best hair coloring kit?

honestly, i always die my hair so ive tried pretty much every brand out there

here's the best one : (leaves hair shiny and silky)


you can find this at shoppers drug mart

Best hair coloring kit?

loreal feria. the color is just brighter IMO then the others.

Best hair coloring kit?

ill tell you what NOT to use. dont use herbal essances. it turned my hair orange it looks bad. loreal works really good but it fades fast. to avoid brassy,reddish colors then buy dye that has the word 'ash' in it. but sometimes it makes your hair look greenish.

so idk.. the good thing about darkening your hair is that itll fade eventually if you dont like it.

good luck

hope i helped =]

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